檔案大小:6.1 MB
版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。
Dashboard is a complex server technology and a frontend map application for data aggregation and temporal & spatial data visualisation.
Dashboard continually receives and processes data.
The aggregated data may be presented in a web or a native map application. Dashboard works on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.
Dashboard provides:
- Continual ETL source data collection;
- safe data storage within Dashboard technology;
- on-line temporal and spatial data aggregation;
- the aggregated data report creating;
- data visualisation in a map application.
Typical use Dashboard:
- To support sales;
- to supervise technical and operation data;
- to provide geomarketing analysis;
- to prepare managerial reports.
This sample map application shows how Dashboard technology by Position Ltd. can be used. Dashboard uses up-to-date information on accidents, road closures and road works in the Czech Republic.
It provides the user with a spatial data aggregation performed online that is displayed for a given time period defined by the user.
Current data also are displayed in the desktop web application at http://dashboard.position.cz
Dashboard was developed by the Position company's Controls.js technology http://controlsjs.com
支援平台:iPhone, iPad